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Teachers and schools

Schools and teachers are central to the success of Tomorrow’s Teachers.

By taking up the challenge you can help make a big difference to education in the UK.


We want to support you to find, engage and inspire students with the right aptitude and an interest in learning more about what it is to be a teacher.


We’ll provide you with all the resources and back-up you need to provide a real pathway into the profession at your school.


Get involved, celebrate teaching and help make a brighter future for the students and schools of tomorrow!

How does the programme work?

The programme will consist of two sections:

  1. A one-year, in-school course for student participants, to be delivered by teachers:

    This will be a fully-accessible, downloadable course designed to be run with either Year 12 or 13 students (or Year 10 and 11 students, if desired). It covers what it’s like to be a teacher, the key elements of a teaching role and what teaching looks like as a career.
    The course has six parts, each containing two teaching topics. It can be delivered in just 12 hours of teaching time, so about two hours every half term.


  2. Tailored work experience opportunities for student participants once they've left school:

    The second section of the course involves return visits for the students back to your school, or other schools in the local area, to complete work experience opportunities during their time at university.
    More information about the programme can be found in the Tomorrow’s Teachers – guide for schools.

By 2024, we are anticipating a shortage of almost 50,000 teachers in English secondary schools.

TES, April 2018

Watch our webinar 

An introduction from course author Mike Gershon.

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