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Tomorrow's Teachers

For schools & teachers


What’s the aim of the Tomorrow’s Teachers programme?

The overall goal of the programme is to help address the serious teacher shortages in UK secondary schools.


Tomorrow’s Teachers aims to give students a taste of what it’s like to be a teacher, show them the key elements of a teaching role and what teaching looks like as a career. It hopes to inspire promising students who may not otherwise have considered teaching, into pursuing it as their vocation.



Why should schools and teachers get involved?

Participation in Tomorrow’s Teachers will allow your school or multi-academy trust to be at the forefront of a new approach to teacher recruitment.


It means being able to nurture and develop talented homegrown potential teachers from your school, helping to ease the current teacher supply crisis in the UK, while mitigating the impact of this on your school.


If every school in the country managed to recruit just one teacher a year from its whole student cohort, it would have a huge positive impact.



How does the programme work?

There are two sections to the programme.


Section One

The first section is an in-school teaching course, delivered by a school’s own teachers to interested students. The fully-accessible, downloadable course is provided by Tes for free.


It’s made up of six teaching parts to be delivered to students, as well as an introductory session and a review session for teachers.


A comprehensive set of resources, including detailed session outliners, PPTs, video content, student booklets and evaluation tools will be provided to support learning and the delivery of each part.


Section Two

The second section of the programme is a work experience follow-up. Students will return to their former schools during their University studies for in-school experience and to maintain relationships. Tes will also use its network of contacts with schools across the UK to assist in further work experience placements.



How long is the teaching section? What are the time commitments for teachers? 

The in-school course is a total of 12 hours of teaching time, designed to be delivered over one academic year.


You can choose to deliver the course over one year, in a few days, or any period in between – it’s completely up to you. Some schools have expressed an interest in running the course as part of an enhancement or work experience programme: we think that’s a great idea.


It’s very adaptable and designed to fit in with the time you have available, your schedule and your teaching style.

How many students can participate? How many teachers are needed?

 It is up to you to determine how many students can participate, as you deliver the course. This will depend on your available resources and capacity. We recommend a group of around 5-10 students per teacher.


How do we select participating students, or encourage interest amongst students?

Tes will provide materials to aid generation of interest amongst teachers and students, including an assembly plan and introductory material for distribution. The course is designed for Year 12 & 13 students (or Year 10 and 11 students, if desired).


If you wish to limit the number of participants, you’re free to approach a selection of participants in whichever way works best. Part of the course contains tools that will help you identify who has the right skills to be a teacher in the future.



Is there a limit for the number of schools that can get involved?

No, there’s no limit on the number of schools that can get involved. We welcome interest from, and the chance to work with, as many schools as possible.


Is there a participation fee? What are the costs involved?

There is no fee for participating in the programme. All course materials are available online and are free of charge.




For students


Why should I get involved in Tomorrow’s Teachers?

Tomorrow’s Teachers is designed to open doors and help you explore a career in teaching.


Teaching is a hugely rewarding vocation, helping to nurture and inspire young people and really change their lives. It’s a sector that’s crying out for bright, talented and caring people and one that has a well-defined career-path.


The programme aims to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a teacher, show you the ways to enter the profession and the many directions you could take your education career.


There’s also a work experience element after the course, allowing you to get hands-on, practical experience of what life as a teacher is really like.


Will I be expected to become, or am I committed to becoming a teacher after the course?

No. Tomorrow’s Teachers comes with no obligations and participating in the course does not mean you‘re expected to become, or are committed to becoming a teacher. It’s all about learning more and equipping you with the knowledge to make decisions about a possible future in the profession.


How do I apply? Will I be eligible?

Each school will have a different application process – get in touch with your teachers for more information. All you need to be eligible is have a bright, positive attitude and an interest in learning more about the teaching profession.


Is it free?

Yes, there is no charge for taking part.


How does the course work and how much time will it take?

The course is made up of six parts, designed to be delivered over one academic year, in a total of 12 hours of teaching time. This will be delivered by your own teachers at your own school.


Exact structure and hours will vary from school to school.


If you decide to pursue a career in teaching, the Tomorrow’s Teachers programme will support you by finding work placements in school during your university holidays.



What does the qualification mean?

The qualification will confirm you have completed the course and work experience and shows a commitment and interest in the profession to future potential employers should you wish to pursue a career in teaching.


How will the work experience element of the course work?

Work experience will consist of 1-4 week placements (or longer, if schools allow), to take place during university holidays.


Your own school, and Tes, will assist with arranging placements.



Does the course guarantee me a teaching role at my school when I graduate?

No, there’s no guarantee of a teaching role, but participation in the course will show a commitment to the profession and should strengthen any application.

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